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Soul Order Online Open Test Outlook

Soul Order Online has been running its Closed Beta Test (CBT) for nearly 5 days. The game performance is well beyond the expectation from various parties. Players who were invited to the Closed Beta experienced their exclusive fun. They left many positive comments and meaningful expectation to the Open Beta in the game forum. In these days many kinds of events have been held every day, and these events has been welcomed by friendly players. Now let's review some scene of events between players and GMs:

As planned, CBT will end in two days, and then players' accounts will be reserved and players' characters will be deleted. Participating CBT will bring testing players unique item when we moving into Open Test, for example, "CBT Reward for OT" will provide players whose level are above 15 an unique mount: "Elite Wild Boar" which will boost 40% of your moving speed. And during Closed Beta Test, if a Guild has 10 members or above, in Open Test, GM will fund the fee to establish a Guild for the Guild Master. Players who have helped to improve Soul Order Online in game or forum will gain "Special Awards for Contributions": a purple armor or skirt of level 45 suits.

In later this month, Open Test of Soul Order Online will be started. In Open Test, there will be various events and event rewards as well, such as slogan collecting event, screenshot contest, PK Boss, GM PK, GM protection, etc.

Mira Game is an experienced Online Game provider, (Soul Order Gold)and the team is dedicated to the players' overall gaming experience. Based on its previous operation record, there are strong expectations on the Soul Order Online performance and its popularity. Especially such a short period of Closed Beta and aggressive timeline in moving to Open Beta, the team is showing sophisticated planning and confidence.


[Source:admin] [Author:admin] [Date:12-02-07] [Hot:]

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